Aleksandr Postnikov

products | agile | scrum | kanban

email · acebook · telegram

LinkedIn — my professional experience and recommendations from people I worked with.

Upwork — job success rate as a freelancer and recommendations from my clients.

You can also download my CV


There are only 2,7% of product owners who have PSPO II and only 3,3% of scrum masters who have PSM II, and I'm part of these two small groups.

I also have KMP and PSK to confirm my knowledge of Kanban-method and SPS and LeSS basics for scaling Scrum.

The basic ones such as PAL (Agile leadership) and PSD are among my credentials too.


Here is my blog on Medium. You can find some of my articles from there:

Velocity and Capacity

Agile Architecture

Product Backlog Refinement

Remote work

I also have a Telegram channel and blogs on Yandex Zen in Russian.


As a speaker I performed at Yandex and Megafon where I presented my approach to e2e tracebility in big projects: on Agile Kitchen and Atlassian Community meetups.

I also have some of my webinars recorded: basics of Agile and my typical JIRA dashboards for decentralized management.